The quest between good and evil had been raging for ages. The two extremes of morality are pulling the conscience of man and the one with greater strength in your life will inevitably win.

The creator knew from the beginning of time that man will be faced with this dilemma therefore, in His infinite wisdom, fashioned man with the ability to make decisions for Himself. The responsibility to choose between good and bad lies on man. “Today, I present to you life and death, choose life that you may live.” God does not and cannot make decisions for man, He only advises man on what is good for him. The result of this choice is what earns man eternal life or death in life after the physical existence.

This book tries to access the true meanings of hell and heaven as well as understand the characteristics of individuals who are meant to be in them.

One profound truth about existence is that we are all candidates of life. Our examination is the situations of life we are presented each day, our grade is determined by how we respond to them. Every of our actions and in-actions affect our destination in eternity.

Amidst of many speculations, interpretations and misinterpretations of the scriptures, tremendous confusion abound. This confusion is because of the misconception of what life is and why we live. The answers to these questions provides an outline for what our predestination was and what our post destination will be in the ultimate.

some years back, I asked myself some vital questions that changed my perception about my life. These questions are:

Did you know how your life came to be?
Did you know why you live?
Did you know when you will die?
Did you know if there is another world after this?

I tried to give an honest answer to them. 

What would you do differently? How will the knowledge of these answers affect how you perceive and conduct your life affairs? One important thing to absorb in your thinking is the fact that only the truth you discover personally will have the most impact to you. So do not answer these questions based on what others had told you, rather base on what you have come to discover as personal truths.


NOTE: Extract from my upcoming book SINNERS IN HEAVEN, SAINTS IN HELL. (will be in amazon stores by October 31st.  )



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