The most important part of a building is the foundation. A right foundation affects the overall nature and strength of the building. The making of a true Christian is never rushed and it starts with the laying of the foundation. The Christian life is founded on the principles outlined in Hebrews 6.
These include:
a)    Repentance of from dead works, which is repenting from old ways of living. Repentance is required in producing genuine salvation and transformation. Unless one is convicted of his sinfulness, acknowledges it, and then genuinely turns from them, eternal death is inevitable.

b)    Faith in God is another essential principle required for building a strong Christian foundation.  Without faith, as we know, it is impossible to please God. Faith in God’s sovereignty above all things is required for one’s victorious Christian journey. Our salvation is made perfect through faith, because we are sure of the redemption of God to us through faith. For faith is the reality of our salvation even in the absence of tangible facts. Therefore,
Faith in God is a core element of our salvation. 

c)     Baptisms is another requirement for a solid foundation. Note that the scripture did not write baptism, which is singular rather it mentioned baptisms meaning there are different forms of baptism. There is the baptism of water as john the Baptist was renowned for, then there is the baptism of the Holy Spirit which the apostles experienced in the upper room. Baptism as we know it now originates from the Greek word baptizo which means to immerse completely. The principle of baptism is a must for Christians in order to “to fulfill all righteousness.”
d)    The laying of hands had been an integral part of the Christian lifestyle. All through the ministry of Jesus we see Him laying hands on people for impartation. The place of impartation through body contact especially with the hands is a foundational principle for Christians. The transference of blessings, healing power and spiritual gifts are most of the times through the laying of hands.
e)    Another principle that one should have as a true Christian is of resurrection of the dead. This principle is very essential because if you do not believe in the resurrection of the dead, how then can you believe in the risen Christ. So, the resurrection principle is made manifest in the demonstration of Jesus Christ on the third day after His death. We believe that anyone who died in Christ shall on the day of His coming be resurrected again to join with Him in the most glorious reunion.
f)      Eternal judgment is true and it is a foundational principle every Christian must accept. The scriptures confirms that after death judgment follows, at another place, it is written that everybody must be judged, so every thought, action and word will one day be brought to light of God’s standards.
These foundational principles of Christ must be intact in the life of every candidate of eternal life. The truth is without these principles, active in your life, you can never build a lasting Christian lifestyle.


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