One profound truth about life is that there is no physical
existence without a mental conception, and there is no mental conception
without a spiritual revelation or inspiration.
No matter how real the physical is, it has limits of its
influence. That is why in the physical realm, aids and life facilitators are
needed. These aids come in form of technological innovations and discoveries.
These aids like the internet, transportation systems, health facilities, and
the numerous physical platforms, a very vital for an effectual life in the
However, all of these physical platforms emanates from the
mind. Someone thought of all the tangible things before they started
manifesting. Someone received ideas for them in his or her mind before they
could be turned to physical realities. Therefore, the ideas and concepts were
mental realities prior their coming forth as physical realities.
On the other hand, the mental realm has its own handicaps,
it can only grasp concepts but not truths. It is only the concepts released to
it from the spirit that it can actually work on.
Many have minds but only few have their mind in tune with
the spirit. No mental concept just came up like that rather every form of idea
or concept started as a revealed truth from the spiritual realm. In line with
this, the spiritual realm is the root of all existence. Everything already
exists in the spirit. It is the realm of freedom, everything that is and will
ever be is already in existence in the spiritual store waiting for the ripe
time and the right mind to access it. The physical reality is called a WONDER,
the mental reality is called IDEA while the spiritual reality is called TRUTH.
Therefore, everything tangible be it the greatest discovery
or the simplest innovation is released and revealed to the right spirit, with
the right mind at the right time for the right manifestation in the physical.
It takes a living spirit to access a spiritual truth and it takes an active
mind to understand revealed mental concepts. It also takes a living man to
access ideas from the mind. A dead person has no access or control over its
existence thus it is at the mercy of life decisions both right and wrong ones.
A dead man in this case is not the literarily dead man rather anyone who has
not discovered purpose.
Once you have come to the understanding of your purpose of
living, you are ushered into the realm of true reality. The reality of the
meaning of every breath, the reality of the effect of every word and
ultimately, the reality of the very essence of God. True impact starts from the
inside. A wise man once said “until something changes within you, nothing
changes around you” and I totally agree with this statement. Your world within
creates your world without. Therefore, isn’t it all important to focus on the
inside and create the greatest ideal? Thereby, creating the world you desire on
the outside. Your spirit man is the most advanced being in the world and when
awakened to the reality of HIS existence, reveals deep secrets that “eyes have
not seen, ears heard nor minds conceived.” The truth remains that “the deep calls
out the deep”. The more spiritual you become, the more mentally sound you grow
and ultimately, the more your physical life becomes meaningful.
You just go beyond
being a mere man and become the perfection of all creation.
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