HOSPITALITY (THOUGHTS ON GENESIS 18; 3 AND GENESIS 19; 2) One thing that is missing in the society now is Hospitality. You hardly see people accommodating others even those they know. This is so evident that people who are “neighbors” are strangers to each other (strange neighbors). However, hospitality is very important in your walk and work with God. Doing well to all is very important no matter how small. Most times, it is not the size of good you do rather the size of the heart you do it with. When last did you help a stranger, when last did you go out of your way to be a blessing to someone who cannot reward you? Do you know that many have entertained angels thinking they were strangers? Today learn from Abraham and Lot. Go out of your way to be an agent of goodness to strangers, it can be as simple as a cup of cold water on a hot day, it can be helping an elderly to cross a busy road, it can be sending a te...