WHO WILL JUDGE Who will be the judge in eternity? Who will decide the eternal destinies of all? Who is judging the dead now? Who will judge you after you transcend to eternity? According to the testimony of Jesus, He is the one who judges. He proclaimed in john 5 verse 22 that God does not judge anyone rather that all judgment has been handed over to Him. The world was formed by the word of God, and according to the gospel of John, the word of God is same as God. How do I know? What we say is always tied to who we are, so every time we read, hear or come in contact with God’s word, we are also directly in contact with God Himself. In another place, we see that “the word was made flesh”….. This implies that the word of God became embodied into Jesus Christ as a man. Thus, He has the fullness of God and the fullness of man all in one. No wonder He proclaimed “I and my Father are one.” If then God created everything through His word, it is also important to say, th...