(🍎THE ORIGINAL SIN🍎) part 1 ......THE LOSS OF INNOCENCE .... ( genesis 3) One of the greatest things to observe is the innocence of a child. Children are simply pure, having a rare form of peace and joy. However, as they grow, there comes dents, which start as little misgivings but grow perpetually until that cute innocence is lost and something else sets in. We all dread to see a child who can lie, steal or even does things above the speculated age. In this century, it is apperent that children are losing their innocence faster and in a more alarming rate. This is due to the change in spiritual vibration, which has a tremendous effect on thought patterns and thus, a new awakening in the world. The fall of mankind from His first estate is due to the ORIGINAL SIN which can be summarized as THE LOSS OF INNOCENCE. Genesis chapter three and four, unveils what brought about this loss. 1) who are you discussing with? Who is talking to you, who are you talkin...
Showing posts from February, 2017